Harbour Sussex Avenue

Harbour Sussex Avenue is our newest location. This provides shared living accommodation for up to 5 people with 24/7 staff support.

Harbour Care Group's newest location is Sussex Avenue in Canterbury. Although fully supported 24/7, it provides greater levels of independence and community involvement opportunities than Harbour Lodge for up to 5 adults.

Carefully designed, individual ensuite rooms are supplemented by a well equipped communal kitchen/diner, a TV Lounge and a large garden. The office and staff room are in a separate, purpose-built building. The final phase of development will be to modernise the gardens, and that project will reflect the ideas of the tenants and permanent staff.

Tenants at Harbour Sussex Avenue are encouraged to seek work-related activities, educational opportunities and to pursue hobbies and recreational pursuits.

Sussex Avenue is for those who prefer to seek greater independence. Our model of support, including our positive behaviour approach, is person-centred and promotes and develops the tenant's skills and social inclusion.  It develops their life skills and greater confidence to access the community.

For staff, it is an easy location to reach with plenty of parking space, and a relaxed and caring atmosphere.

Photo - Enjoying the Garden
Photo - making coffee

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