
Bryan’s journey – towards independence

Before coming to harbour my life had come to a halt and I didn't know which way to turn or which direction I needed to go in.

After my breakdown, I had been finding life really hard and it was difficult to find the effort to get out of bed in the morning. Things hit rock bottom when I ended up in prison, which was a new experience for me. This did not help me at all. I was finding things very difficult and could not see a light at the end of a very dark tunnel.


Towards the end of my time in prison, I had an interview for Harbour Homes. I felt really nervous and worried at first, but I was also looking forward to a new start in a new area.

When I arrived at Harbour homes I was helped and supported by the staff, shown where everything was. I was made to feel welcome by both staff and the residents, although it did take a couple of days to remember where things were.

I always feel supported by staff at Harbour homes; at the beginning, this was with my many appointments with probation.

It took me a while to be able to ask for help from staff, this is due to my past and not trusting others and also having concerns over what others may think of me. I was new to Harbour and feeling comfortable enough to discuss things with others and ask for help was a big step for me. The staff team supported me with this and helped me build up relationships so I could sit and talk without worrying


I have been at Harbour for nearly seven years, I am settled and feel happy with the direction that I am going in and can see a much clearer path to the end of the tunnel.

Although there have been some bumps during my time at Harbour, I have always felt supported and cared for. The team treats people for who they are and not just another number or statistic.

My mum has also now felt happier and has recently moved to Herne Bay so she can be closer to me and she is also happy with my progress.

Within the last month, I have just moved into the flat upstairs. At first, this was quite a big step for me as I had just a bedroom with an ensuite.

Before I moved upstairs I gave it a makeover and started to make it like a home. I chose the colour scheme and Harbour gave me the money to purchase all I needed to redecorate.

My one big worry was the support would stop or be really limited because of now living in the flat, but this has not happened. Staff have reassured me that the support that I receive from staff will be no different than before.

This has helped me out and given me peace of mind with going forward in the future.  I can look forward now to a bright positive future.

Note: This is a real story in the words of one of our residents. However, Bryan is not his real name and he does not necessarily appear in photographs in this article, in order to protect his privacy.