Alexander’s journey – supported living that makes a difference
Alex has been in and out of a mental health care units for much of his life. But a couple of years ago he was offered the chance to move into a flat managed by Harbour Care Group. Alex has complex mental health needs including a diagnosis of schizophrenia and bipolar syndrome.
When he first moved into the flat, Alex found it difficult to engage with his support team supporting. He was more anxious than he expected about his new neighborhood and avoided trips out of his new home.
His two Key Workers patiently helped him build his trust in the team. Eventually Alex built positive relationships with them. As he began to feel more comfortable, he was able to more readily able share his thoughts and worries with them.

Support that actually helps
Alexander’s diagnosis would occasionally cause him to forget to take his medication - or else that he had already taken it!
His support team quickly recognised this, and with his agreement they took over managing his medication. They were able to ensure he took the proscribed dosage correctly. As a result Alex's mental health rapidly improved.
Alex's confidence improved, his anxiety reduced and his mood swings diminished. His improved well being meant that he was able to start doing new things, including getting to know his neighborhood.
With help from his team to keep track of finances and manage his bills, Alex has developed his independence skills.
A transformation
Alexander and his family feel the support he receives through Habour Care Group has transformed his life. By carefully building his confidence and gaining his trust the team has helped him develop levels of independence he has never previously enjoyed.
The key has been to identify the areas of his life in which Alex truly needs support, and to focus on those.
Alex still has a long journey to make on the road to further independence. But by careful and individualised assessment of his needs and applying the support he needs at that point in his life he is definitely on track.
Note - Alexander's Journey is based on a real story, but his name and some details have been changed to protect his privacy.
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